Climate change is the mayor trigger for applying carbon capture solutions to your business. The term ‘climate change’ refers to the effect that greenhouse gases (like CO2) in the atmosphere change the climate. Scientists warn that without urgent action, global warming is likely to exceed 2°C above pre-industrial levels by 2060, and could even be as much as 5°C by the end of the century. Carbotreat can help you to find the best solution for your company to contribute to greenhouse gas reduction in a commercially responsible manner
We breathe CO2
How to choose the best carbon capture solution for your plant? How to create a CO2 utilization process solution? Where to go with the captured CO2?
Carbotreat can help you with such kind of questions! We combine experience and knowledge to design and build the best solution for your company. Together we are able to make the difference!
We offer
Carbotreat offers solutions in both Carbon dioxide Capture Utilization (CCU) and Carbon dioxide Capture Storage (CCS) to make your process ready for a CO2 neutral economy.
CCU. Several routes can be identified to utilize the CO2. If it’s coming from a digester or from a post-combustion capture process the same approach can be made. Carbotreat offers a wide range of solutions, and in case of a new route Carbotreat can help you to develop a process design.
CCS. To be able to store or utilize the captured CO2 it needs to be in the right form to make the transport economically feasible. Carbotreat offers the solution to liquefy the CO2. This liquefied CO2 can be stored temporally on-site to check the quality before bringing it to the end consumer.
The liquefied CO2 is now ready for transport to the greenhouses to be used as a fertilizer or in a few years large volumes can be stored in old gasfields under the sea. Projects such as Porthos (R’dam) and Longship (Norway) are in development and expected to be in operation by 2025.
Carbotreat is the partner to explore the possibilities for your company to make your business more sustainable and ready for the future. If you feel not comfortable yet to invest in a full scale carbon capture system, Carbotreat can offer pilot- or demonstration plants. In this case you get a better feeling if this is the right direction to move ahead. By installing a pilot plant you will de-risk your project and the economic evaluation will be based on more accurate data. This makes it more easy for the decision makers to make the right choice.
Since Carbotreat is part of the Bouman Industries Goup, Carboatreat is able to offer a complete solution. If it’s about engineering, construction, commissioning or maintenance, Carbotreat covers it all!
Based on the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) all sorts of industries like oil refineries, steel works and production plants of metals, ceramic & a variety of other materials and chemicals are increasingly limited in their allowed emissions. This leads to an increasing demand in CO2 trading, thriving the prices of allowances to levels where investments in innovative solutions to improve sustainability of your business become more and more profitable.
Even outside of the EU ETS system
Even if your business is outside of the EU ETS system, it can be profitable to enter the market of CO2 allowances by capturing the emission of your process using the technologies delivered by Carbotreat and selling the certificates to others.
Have a look at the different options available on this site, or contact us for more information about how we can integrate our technology into your process.